I'm trying to add a journal article , and i try with this code Map<locale, string> titleMap = new HashMap<locale, string>();
Using Liferay 6 with Tomcat Bundle. I am successfully adding journal articles to my liferay system and then adding categories to the associated Asset.
I use LR-6.2-CE-GA4 with MySQL 5.6.26 and JDK 1.7.0_79 on windows 7. I'm trying to do a bulk import of journal article using a job (defined as <scheduler-entry> ...
I would like to edit a webcontent (journalarticle) in Liferay and create a new version from that from a custom portlet.
I developed a portlet that added articles porgtrammatically using liferay 6.0.6 and all worked perfectly. Now we are upgrading to Liferay 6.1 and the method ...
It worked using JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.addArticle. Simple example (I will change to context variables, just wanted to test it):
Dec 19, 2007 · I've realize that in the Add Article page (Journal portlet) there is a "short way" to configure the article permissions but I can't find this ...
Hi all, I have created through the web interface the following call CURL
Dec 19, 2007 · At creation of an article there is the "shortcut": permissions. Here I can set under permissions->configure "add discussion" for the guest user.
Using Liferay 6 with Tomcat Bundle. I am successfully adding journal articles to my liferay system and then adding categories to the associated Asset.